Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Luiz Antonio- "I'm not eating this octopus!"

Luiz Antonio

This little boy made it all over the news when he realized what he was eating. His mother told him to eat his octopus and by the end of the video, he came to the conclusion that he would never eat an animal. He knows we should take care of animals, instead of kill and neglect them. If more children thought like this little boy, the world would be a better place for animals!



Preparation time: 30 minutes 
                                                                                    Cooking time: 40 minutes 
Serves 4-6
6 lasagna sheets
1 bunch of spinach
12 button mushrooms
3-4 cloves of garlic, chopped
3/4 cup of ricotta cheese
3/4 cup of grated mozarella + cheddar (or use pizza cheese)
1.5 cups of canned tomato sauce (use pizza or pasta sauce for a different flavor)
1 of onion, sliced
1 tsp of dried herbs like basil, chives, oregano, or a mix
2 tsp of olive oil

1. Cook the lasagna sheets according to the packet instructions and set aside.

2. Heat the oil and add the sliced onion and garlic.
Saute until soft and then add the mushrooms and spinach.
Add some salt and cook until the water given out by the vegetables
 is absorbed and they are cooked. Set aside.

3.Mix the dried herbs and some salt with the ricotta.

4. Take our your baking tray - you can use metal or glass but I recommend glass. I used my pyrex rectangular baking/storage tray which also has a lid for easy storing later. Add a few drops of oil in the tray and spread evenly. Spread about 1/4 cup tomato sauce at the bottom evenly.

5. Lay two cooked lasagna sheets over the sauce. You may need more or less depending on the size of your lasagna sheets and your tray. It's okay if they overlap a bit but no gaps please.

6. Spread half the ricotta cheese mixture over this evenly

7. Top it off with the cooked mushroom spinach mixture.

8. Lay more lasagana sheets over this. You can add the tomato sauce over the lasagne sheets this time and proceed with the rest of the layers.

9. I did a total of 2 layers, ending with the lasagne sheets. So I spread the remaining tomato sauce over this and added the mozzarella cheddar mixture on top. Thrown in some dried herbs and pepper over this too.

10. Cover the tray with aluminium foil and bake in a 180C / 350F oven for 30 mins. Then, remove the foil and bake for a further 10 mins. The cheese on top will bubble up nicely and the edges will start to curl away slightly from the tray. Remove and let cool down a bit before you slice it. Serve hot.

Thanks Pinterest :) 

Food Network

I'm sure we have all heard of the Food Network before! Whether you're changing channels and catch a glimpse of that delicious pizza or watch it religiously, you've seen it! The Food Network website contains TONS of recipes for us vegetarians! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Vegetarian Green Bean Casserole

Vegetarian Green Bean Casserole

At Thanksgiving, many vegetarians find themselves "loosing their cool." Turkey is a temptation, as well as stuffing and all of the goodies that come along with the holiday. This was my second Thanksgiving as a vegetarian and definitely not my last. Last Thanksgiving, I found myself resisting temptation but also struggling with it as well. This holiday, I thought to make a few meatless dishes to put out for the guests and myself as well. Many of the "meat lovers" at the table were digging into my Green Bean Casserole! It may not look too appetizing to some in the pictures, but everyone wanted seconds! This is an easy dish and a great recipe for holidays! 

What do you need?
2 cups vegan cream of mushroom soup 
1 cup vegan sour cream 
2 teaspoons onion powder 
2 teaspoons garlic salt salt and pepper, to taste 
2 cups vegan corn flakes cereal
divided 4 (14 ounce) cans French cut green beans, 
drained 1 (10 ounce) block vegan mozzarella, grated 

What do you do? 
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a medium saucepan, combine the cream of mushroom soup with the vegan sour cream. Use a whisk to make it creamy. Add onion powder, garlic salt, and salt and pepper to taste.
2. In a medium sized casserole dish, crumble 1/2 the cornflakes as sort of a bottom crust. Add green beans to top of crust. Pour sauce mixture from the saucepan on top of the green beans and cornflakes. Crumble the remaining cornflakes and sprinkle them on top.
3. Top with vegan mozzarella. Bake for 15 minutes, or until lightly browned.
Indulge and Enjoy! 

Vegetarian Black Bean Tacos

Vegetarian Black Bean Tacos!
If there is one thing that I crave being a vegetarian, it's Mexican Food! It may seem impossible to eat Mexican when you're not eating meat but it really isn't. These delicious black bean tacos have gotten phenomenal reviews across the globe and in my kitchen as well! They are ready in minutes and are an easy dinner for the family or when you're out the door.

Ingredients needed: 

Pao De Mel - Honey Bread

Pao De Mel is a very good Brazilian Bread. It is very unique to anything I have ever tried before in the mix of flavors that it has to offer. The ones that I have tried are relatively small in size. They are round in shape 3 inches by 3 inches approximately.

The composition of the Pao De Mel tastes like gingerbread and has a gingerbread color as well. There is a layer of thick honey in between the layers of bread. On the outside is chocolate covering the entire thing. On top of the chocolate is a gold coloring that looks like spray paint if I just looked at it, but I realize that it is really something different. The pictures above don't showcase the gold coloring form the Pao De Mel I have tried.

When you bite into the Pao De Mel, it tastes strongly like gingerbread. It is not a very subtle taste but instead something a little more powerful yet very good. The honey to bread ratio is pretty satisfying. The honey keeps the bread from tasting too dry and strong and the bread keeps the honey from tasting too sweet. The chocolate on top gives just enough of a sweet touch to pull the whole thing together without tasting too sweet. The whole thing is very delicious! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Garotto- Ao Leite: Brazilian Chocolate

Brazilian Chocolate:

Just like any other chocolate...delicious. I am one who likes to eat chocolate, and I am with a Brazilian who is a Carnivore and a chocoholic to boot. You can imagine all the sweet treats he likes to eat, and all the treats he likes to share with me to make me just a little fatter.

Anyway, this is one of the sweet treats, that we like to eat together. In his family, they eat this for dessert sometimes and just have the chocolate by itself. For me, I can't have too much because it tastes too sweet after you start eating it for a while. To compensate, I have more with a glass of milk. This is a very nice combination. Chocolate and milk sure do go perfectly together.

Getting back to the chocolate though, Brazilian chocolate is very rich and very sweet. The kind that I tried was milk chocolate, however there are other kinds of chocolate in Brazil that I have not tried yet by itself. If I didn't know it was Brazilian when I tried it, I think I might have noticed a slight difference in the taste from what I normally have, but very slight, seeing as the taste is very similar.