Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Garotto- Ao Leite: Brazilian Chocolate

Brazilian Chocolate:

Just like any other chocolate...delicious. I am one who likes to eat chocolate, and I am with a Brazilian who is a Carnivore and a chocoholic to boot. You can imagine all the sweet treats he likes to eat, and all the treats he likes to share with me to make me just a little fatter.

Anyway, this is one of the sweet treats, that we like to eat together. In his family, they eat this for dessert sometimes and just have the chocolate by itself. For me, I can't have too much because it tastes too sweet after you start eating it for a while. To compensate, I have more with a glass of milk. This is a very nice combination. Chocolate and milk sure do go perfectly together.

Getting back to the chocolate though, Brazilian chocolate is very rich and very sweet. The kind that I tried was milk chocolate, however there are other kinds of chocolate in Brazil that I have not tried yet by itself. If I didn't know it was Brazilian when I tried it, I think I might have noticed a slight difference in the taste from what I normally have, but very slight, seeing as the taste is very similar.

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