Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bife a cavallo- Steak on Horseback

Bife a Cavallo – Steak on Horseback

http://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/i-love-paraguay-sunnyside?select=iqT3bpmQG66SlzolJ5N2Aw#iqT3bpmQG66SlzolJ5N2Aw –

I decided to include Bife a Cavallo in this presentation because it was the first Brazilian food I ever tried. Bife a Cavallo is funny because if you translate it to English it reads, steak on horseback. This might not make sense at first, especially to people who have never tried this delicious meal before. The reason it got this name is because the way the dish is served. There is a steak on the bottom of the plate, and on top of the steak are onions, and on top of the onions are two sunny side up eggs. The presentation of the eggs on top of the steak is supposed to look like a man on horseback which is where the dish gets its name from.

When I first had this dish, I thought it was odd that eggs and meat were served as part of the same dish. After eating several other Brazilian and Portuguese dishes, I discovered that a lot of Brazilian/Portuguese dishes are composed of Meat and eggs with rice. This seems to be traditional.

Also, as a little side note about the food, Brazilian steak might just be the best meat I’ve ever tasted. It is just so delicious! If you’ve never tried it, I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes meat!

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